Manufacturing Equipment, Software and Service Solutions Suppliers.

For over 40 years Unisoft software has been in use in Electronic Contract and OEM manufacturers. The Unisoft software programs Assembly, AOI, ATE Test, Selective Soldering equipment and offers CAD to CAD conversions, etc.

If you are an equipment or service solutions supplier to the electronics manufacturing industry Unisoft makes it easy to bundle, etc. the Unisoft software to program your equipment from virtually any CAD, Gerber and BOM files. In addition to your customers the Unisoft software can be used to aid your Application Sales Engineers, Distributors, Reps, etc.

Some options available:

CAD Importing / Exporting

With the Unisoft software you immediately have the ability to import all types of CAD file formats into your hardware or software. This software developed over 40 years imports all types of ECAD, MCAD and BOM formats for easy integration into your environment. In fact some of the Unisoft importers import very old formats from the 1980's and 1990's that your clients may still be using on their legacy designs.

The Unisoft software can output directly to your desired format or you can use our standard outputs such as GENCAD, IPC-2581, Fabmaster FATF, IPC-D-356, MENTOR Neutral, PADS Ascii, Unisoft .XML format, Unisoft .FBA format, XY center & rotation, etc. These standardize format files exported by the Unisoft software contain the key PCB assembly ( PCBA ) elements such as reference designators, netlist, netnames, pin numbers, pin XY positions, surface location, device type SMD/THD, component xy center positions, component rotations, trace run segments, part shapes, board outline, BOM data part numbers and details, via types standard / buried / blind-accessible-top / blind-accessible-bottom, etc.

These standardized CAD files the Unisoft software exports are then used by production equipment vendors, customers and other software systems that import this format into their environment. So Unisoft handles the importing of the multitude of existing and new CAD and Gerber systems on the market and you import only a single standardized file.

Click here to download a zip file with samples of the following CAD exports the Unisoft software can create such as GENCAD, IPC-2581, Fabmaster FATF, IPC-D-356, MENTOR Neutral, PADS Ascii, Unisoft .XML format, Unisoft .FBA format, etc.

Note: The .XML exported format available from the Unisoft software contains most all of the PCB assembly ( PCBA ) information and it is a stable vendor independent format and therefore is often a preferred format for software developers, equipment vendors and software suppliers that may want to import a fix format into their software. More information: Unisoft xml export definitions specifications.

Direct machine programming

You receive the same CAD importing capabilities as above and in addition the Unisoft software creates the exact optimized files to directly program your manufacturing equipment.

Unisoft software modules are available for most popular electronic manufacturing equipment such as Pick & Place/Thru-Hole Assembly, Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI), Selective Soldering, Selective Conformal Coating, In-Circuit ATE, Flying Probe ATE equipment, etc.

Repair Station

The displayed PCB assembly ( PCBA ) and generated schematic can be used with repair stations and can be controlled remotely from your application or equipment via the Unisoft API programming interface — see Remote API control of the Unisoft software.

Contact Unisoft for more information.

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Web Consulting by Dorene Matney
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