
Customer testimonials!

Sample of Unisoft customers below. Clients range from small start-ups to billion dollar companies and are located in countries worldwide.

* Asterisk denotes that this customer is a Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider. A large number of Unisoft customers are EMS providers and choose Unisoft software because they have some of the highest technical manufacturing requirements, they need to move product quickly and keep costs very low to bid competitively and have to deal with the many types of data (CAD, Gerber, BOM, etc.) they receive from their customers.

Note: Some companies above may have changed names, undergone merger & acquisition legal status changes, changed licensing, moved, expanded, closed, etc.

Free PCB assembly (PCBA) CAD Viewer &
Gerber Viewer Software

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Unisoft over 40 years and 4000 customers.


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gerber cad viewer software

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Customer Testimonials

"Bristol Babcock has been serving the Oil, Natural Gas, Waste and Fresh water industries with process control instruments for over 100 years. Bristol installed two Mydata / Mycronic pick and place lines. Our goals were many; we needed a software package that would allow us to do all of our programming of production and prototype boards and process documentation off line quickly no matter how difficult the board.

"We wanted a software package that was easy to understand, yet was powerful enough to do what we needed. Most of all we wanted a supplier that was going to be there when we needed them. The Unisoft OneFACTORY software was the answer.

"Five years and hundreds of programs later the Unisoft OneFACTORY software is a proven product. On the average it takes twenty minutes or less to program (double sided SMT) our boards. Process documentation is also critical to us; Unisoft OneFACTORY software had all the answers. Just as Bristol has been committed to its customers; UniSOFT has been committed to us. What a partnership; what a software package."

Michael Charette
Surface Mount Process Engineer
Digital Products Supervisor
Bristol Babcock

"Thanks again for your support. As a low volume aerospace EMS provider DBM has found the Unisoft software invaluable in getting QUALITY documentation and placement data to the floor. What once took days or even weeks in now accomplished in a matter of hours with fewer mistakes. Another advantage is the ability to make changes virtually real-time for engineering and process improvements.

"Thanks again for your product and wonderful support."

Ed Dyche
VP of Engineering and Technology
DBM Technologies

"UniSOFT Corporation has been chosen as the primary supplier of the software required to drive this system. Although Manufacturing Engineering has evaluated other suppliers, the UniSOFT 'off the shelf' CIM software package seems to fit right into the manufacturing system at plant 2. The price negotiated with UniSOFT includes custom tailoring of the WIP tracking software for our specific needs. Other software packages investigated including; Genrad's Tracs III, Unicam software, Eyring AMS, C-Link and others on the market are lacking major features which would be costly or in most cases impossible to add."

Customer justification summary
Plant wide installation

Unisoft has a client who is a large company located in the United States that has been using the CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking Software for over five years to track their product lines throughout the production process. A subsidiary of their's located in Canada is selecting a MES tracking software system for their facility and representatives from their plant visited the United States parent company in November of 2005 to look at the Unisoft CELLS WORKFLOW system installed there.

Below is a summary of that visit. We are proud of their selection of the Unisoft CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking software. If you wish further details on the company please contact Unisoft directly.

"Unisoft is presently the choice application for adding an FDA compliant electronic data collection and WIP tracking system here at this facility in Canada. I had the VP of operations and head of the IT department visit our parent company in the United States to get an extended presentation from the Unisoft CELLS WORKFLOW Administrator their. The presentation went very well and they both agreed Unisoft would be the best fit. Manufacturing and IT have started to look at how they will structure routings and what they will need for related equipment such as bar code scanners and PC's."

"I just want to say thanks for developing a software that allows technicians to troubleshoot PCB assembly ( PCBA ) boards in a much easier and faster way. I definitely like the split screen option that allows you to view the board on one side and schematic on the other side. Since I have use this software, I throw away old schematics. Every time I launch the software, it makes me smile. A smile that is full of confidence knowing no matter how difficult a PCB assembly ( PCBA ) board might be, by using the software I'm up for the challenge."

Best Regards
Josiah Mitchell

About Josiah: Josiah (Joe) Mitchell sent the comments above in April of 2011. Joe is from Hunter Engineering Company out of Raymond, MS. They have a site license for the Unisoft software at their plant. They are a relatively new customer purchasing the software in April of 2010. Hunter makes automobile alignment systems, lift rack, wheel balancers, etc. and they use the Unisoft software throughout their plant.

"Several years ago we purchased ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software for our Genrad ATE. Later we ordered ProntoTEST-FIXTURE for our Hewlett Packard test equipment with good results. Now we have ProntoPLACE for our two Mydata / Mycronic SMT component placement machines and use ProntoVIEW-MARKUP for providing paper or paperless process documentation for our assembly and repair operations. We are extremely happy with the way the Unisoft OneFACTORY suite has worked for us."

Tony Marino
Plant Manager
Bristol Babcock

"Our UniSOFT configuration has been instrumental in reducing engineering development costs. Maintaining an aggressive product development schedule would be impossible without the UniSOFT tools."

Mike Bartnick
Delco Electronics

"We are extremely happy with ProntoVIEW-MARKUP paperless process documentation and repair software. We have also purchased ProntoPLACE for our Universal assembly equipment."

A. Manual
Keithly Instruments

Evaluation comments:

"We just completed a board build using the file you converted for me. We actually used the software "live" (versus making hard-copy drawings) since the board had so many item numbers and it worked great. I would go so far as to say it would have been almost impossible without it.

"So far this is awesome. Thanks for the quick turnaround …. I'm sure I'll spend the day going through the tutorial and instructions. But I'm already impressed. It would have taken me untold hours to get to the point where I had something usable using manual techniques. Using our 'live' board makes a great demo!"

Gary Lynch
Best Electronics Inc.

"We appreciate everything your company has done for us, you have definitely made us more competitive."

Jay Patel

"The software works so great. It helps a lot specially on the production area."

Erwin De Castro
Kinetix Manufacturing Services (KMS)
San Jose, CA

"Thank you for your time and working with me. The software is very valuable. Its been great."

Mike Knox

"I needed software to quickly program our Mydata / Mycronic and Samsung machines, create process documentation and do First Article Inspection, etc. We are a contract manufacturer with high mix and low volume needs. We love this software so much and that I'm happy to be a reference site and a spotlight customer on the Unisoft website.

"Your software is AWESOME! I couldn't live without it."

Randel Stewart
Circuit Design Specialties, Inc.

"Excellent software and response time. I'm telling everyone about Unisoft. What a neat set of products! Thank you."

Jim W.

"After renting your software Pronto PLACE for 1 month, I find that it is very acceptable in performance …. We are therefore applying 100% of the first months rental credit towards purchase. We are in process to purchase the package and you will receive purchase order in next few days."

Jurong Hi Teh (Suzhou) Co. Ltd

"I thought you might like to hear what we saw in UniSoft CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking that we liked …. Your basic product architecture is simple and straightforward. This allowed Unisoft to be one of the most economical choices we had in terms of product cost. This also equated to a shorter implementation time and cost."

Customer evaluation summary
Plant wide installation

"I have presented the software to a number of my techs. They really like it. One of the primary reasons I wanted to try your software was the versatility of using either Pads or Mentor files. The ease of use has been so great that even our engineers have expressed an interest."

General Electric

"Thank you for your fast response. The UniSOFT software installation & setup was simple. The software is working fine and is simple to operate …. I think that it is a very good tool for your engineers and the debug team. I will forward this software to all relevant people in our factory."

Moshe Golan
Elbit Systems

"Thousand of thanks! ProntoVIEW-MARKUP working like crazy. I can not believe I now have this powerful tool. You are great."

Cristian Lungu

"Just for your information, I've sent your coordinates and a sample file to one fellow worker in MCMS Penang (Malaysia) in order for him to evaluate especially that amazing feature of ProntoVIEW-MARKUP that consists in re-creating the schematics from the nodes."

Yves de Ryckel
Managing Director

"Thanks for the help, this tool has definitely made a difference for us."

TKT Corp.

"We are beginning to see the benefits of using the software and it has been a great aid to our inspection people."

Willie Anderson
Keytech Systems

"A remarkable value!"

Andrew Giannettino
BH Technical

"We have used your excellent shareware software ProntoVIEW-MARKUP at our test station in our production. I wonder how much the full version of the program costs?"

Ulf Kjellberg
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB

"By the way … I've been using the tool for DFT reviews lately and using it heavily and its working well. Also, I had a need to locate additional probe locations (vias) and the tool worked prefect because it labels vias where the CAD tool does not label vias. An unlabeled probe location(via) is an unusable location.

"Anyway, I'm relying on the Factory 2000 tool for test DFT and test probe manipulation and it is working well."

James N.
Valere Power

"Thanks for the ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software program. It is really good. How much does it cost?"


"I think we are pretty close to making a decision to buy. The software is very easy for me to understand and it's functionality is exactly what I need. I also get a good feeling about the level of support and expertise that is available to help me if I need it."

Elias R.
TEchfabrik Inc.

"It works great! Thank you for your attention."

J. Valenin
Hewlett Packard

"The software is now in use on our shop floor, and is proving to be very useful indeed.

"Just thought I'd let you know that the feedback I am getting from the test and repair technicians on our production floor is extremely positive, now that they are using the VIEWER software every day … and wonder how they survived without it! They find all the features really good and your software has dramatically reduced the time taken to locate components and fix faults etc. The investment has paid for itself already. We have not yet really used the annotation features of the software but I'm hoping to get this off the ground in the near future.

"Keep up the good work."

Gerry I.
Benchmark Electronics Europe

Update from Gerry:

"I thought you might like to know that I just recently started using the annotation and embedded graphic features of the ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software, and we are very impressed with it."

"… ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is a splendid product."

Takaya Corp.

"Finally, I found some time to use your software. It's a very good product. … ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is the best product we have found in our evaluation."


"Exactly what we have been looking for."

Ed Christian
Texas Instruments

"I've been having a good look at this software and I'm impressed with all the different types of data it can import, not only with PADS and Mentor Graphics, but also HPGL and DXF files that we also use. Also it can be quite handy for the other formats such as Orcad and Allegro as we sometimes get these files sent to us from other customers. It read in our board designs without problems.

"Very powerful aid tool."

Kortex Europe

"Lecroy went from 100% paper to 100% paperless with CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking. We have tracked millions of transactions. Forced routing flow eliminates assembly errors. CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking delivers the exact current document from a controlled source to each step in the assembly process. The production equipment, burn-in chambers, Test/Lab Windows, etc. automatically log data to CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking. Part bins are automatically restocked weekly via CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking, daily quality reports are generated, process documentation, assembly documentation and more."

Michael Forrestor
Lecroy Corporation
New York

"The online schematic feature in ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is super. We no longer need to have the schematic sheets on our desks. This is truly a great feature."

Jay Aglei
SSI Inc.

"Several people in our company have looked at the ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software, and we are definitely interested in buying it, it looks like it will do just what we need!"

European Electronics

"I still can't stop thinking about the extremely high number of practical applications this thing has in ALL assy manufacturing plants. So many companies are out there trying to become 'World Class', and I keep thinking … 'if they only had this software'. I know it's not just my Process/Industrial Engineering background that makes me feel this way. From a control, continuous improvement, and Operations Management standpoint … the CELLS Workflow MES Product Tracking software is a hidden treasure."

John White
The Training Times

"I had an, error free, board and board_xy file within five minutes for our HP ATE …. Thanks for the excellent support really appreciated! This tool has definitely made a difference for us."

Donald L Crawford
Turnkey Test

"Excellent tool, we can design our fixtures and programs extremely fast and accurately."

Stan Magel

"It's really hard to believe the amount of features packed into this software for the price. Throughout our evaluation process we were really trying to figure out what was missing but we couldn't find anything. As I mentioned earlier we will be placing the purchase order early next week for the full ProntoVIEW-MARKUP package with all the CAD importers."


"We can identify test fixturing problem very quickly and the visual board display is helpful for the program debug process."

Luke Monopoli

"I watched the video and the software is quite impressive."


"We have used the Unisoft software since 1993 and it works great! ProntoTEST-FIXTURE is a very good tool.

"Just a note to say I am using the included UnisoftPC Board VIEWER software extensively for a task I am working on. I think the difficulty of an alternate method would greatly increase the time to completion. In addition to our licensed copies of the Unisoft software we have over 50 users of the Unisoft included viewer software at this Vermont plant. Unisoft has come to bat quickly anytime we have needed support."

John Harrington
BF Goodrich Aerospace

"Just to let you know the ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software found two DFT (Design For Test) problems before the first artwork spin - great! The CAD guys corrected them. After that I ran the board and board XY for the HP and it was perfect. Surprising when something works start to finish the first time through!"

Jerry H.
Surface Tech

"Price and performance, there is nothing like UniSOFT …. I have reviewed others Test software but they just didn't match up to the UniSOFT software …."

C. Drew

"Just yesterday I installed the Circuit Master ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software and it is an excellent Tool to develop Test Fixtures."

R. Gomez
Delphi Automotive

"The ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software is a splendid product."

K. Ono
Takaya Corp.

"I was first introduced to the ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software several years ago by the Hewlett-Packard group in Puerto Rico. We use it every day here for practically every operation on the production floor."


"Being able to highlight a single or multiple traces and then to follow a signal or to find the potential location of shorted traces is a tremendous feature of the ProntoVIEW-MARKUP software, we use it every day."

Frank Benton

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