The software by default is set up to import BOM data in TAB delimited format.
This applies only to Unisoft software versions older than You may change and control how the Unisoft software imports BOM data by editing the [BOM] section in the MARKUP.INI file located in the \WINDOWS directory.
(Note: there is a backup of the MARKUP.INI in the default install directory c:\program files\unisoft, however you must edit the MARKUP.INI in the \WINDOWS directory to have an effect on how the BOM is imported.).
BOM files come in two major types TABS or COLUMNS. Unisoft can import both of these styles. For TABS you simply tell the software the tab position the data resides at. Unisoft recommends using TAB formatted BOM's if possible. For COLUMN style you tell the software the range of columns the data resides at.
Sample BOM:
FND Part Number Qty Tol Description Reference Package Misc 2 390607-01-0 1 0,0 I/O CONTROLLER U9 PLCC44 Mydata / Mycronic AUTO INSERT
[BOM] Quantity=3 PartNo=2 RefDes=6 User1=4 User2=7 User3=5 User4=8
In the TAB style the fields in the BOM are separated by tabs not spaces.
In the [BOM] section above the style defaults to TABS.
QUANTITY=3 in the [BOM] indicates that the third tab is where the Quantity field will reside in the file. In this case: 1.
PARTNO=2 indicates that the second tab is where the part number resides. In this case: 390607-01-0.
REFDES=6 in the [BOM] indicates that the sixth tab is where the reference designator will reside in the file. In this case: U9.
(Note that if the Refdes field contained U9-U12 the software would automatically break it up into U9, U10, U11 & U12).
USER1=4 indicates that the fourth tab is where user field #1 resides. In this case: 0,0.
(Note: User fields #1-4 are optional. The User fields #1-4 allow you to attach any additional message information to the components. If you do not use a User Field then it must be set to 0).
USER2=7 indicates that the seventh tab is where user field #2 resides. In this case it is the package type: PLCC44.
(PLEASE NOTE: If your BOM contains a package type field then we recommend you extract that part shape data into the User2 field. When creating assembly or AOI setup programs the Unisoft software will include the user2 field package shape data in the output files it creates.)
USER3=5 indicates that the fifth tab is where user field #3 resides. In this case: I/O CONTROLLER.
USER4=8 indicates that the eighth tab is where user field #4 resides. In this case: Mydata / Mycronic AUTO INSERT.
Any fields in the [BOM] that are not used must be set to 0.
IMPORTANT: Do not define fields in the [BOM] section that are not consistently throughout the file, if you do the software will not read the BOM file at all. For example if User4=7 but there is no consistent data in the 7th tab field or there is no 7th tab field at all in the file then the BOM importer will not read the BOM file.
For Markup.exe version or later you may change the names of the User fields that are displayed on the screen. These user fields are displayed when you click the INFO TOOL in the software then click on a component. If you do not change the label then they are by default displayed as User1, User2, User3, and User4.
You can change the user field labels by editing the [User Fields] section. For example, if you wanted to label User1=Tolerance, User2=Package, User3=Description and User4=Operation then you would do this by editing the [User Fields] located directly under the [BOM] section. For example:
Sample BOM:
[BOM] Quantity=3 PartNo=2 RefDes=6 User1=4 User2=7 User3=5 User4=8 [User Fields] User1=Tolerance User2=Package User3=Description User4=Operation
Sample BOM:
C33 011-1276-00 CAP_100UF_10V_20%_RADIAL_ELEC FORMED_LEADS 1206 SECOND_SOURCE [BOM] Quantity=0 PartNo=2 RefDes=1 User1=3 User2=4 User3=5 User4=0
In the TAB style the fields in the BOM are separated by tabs not spaces.
In the [BOM] above the style defaults to TABS.
REFDES=1 in the [BOM] indicates that the first tab is where the reference designator will reside in the file. In this case C33. (Note that if the Refdes field contained C33-C36 the software would automatically break it up into C33, C34, C35 & C36).
PARTNO=2 indicates that the second tab is where the part number resides. In this case: 011-1276-00.
USER1=3 indicates that the third tab is where user field #1 resides. The User fields #1-4 allow you to attach any additional message information to the components. In this case: CAP_100UF_10V_20%_RADIAL_ELEC FORMED_LEADS.
USER2=4 indicates that the fourth tab is where user field #2 resides. In this case it is the package type: 1206.
(PLEASE NOTE: If your BOM contains a package type field then we recommend you extract that part shape data into the User2 field. When creating assembly or AOI setup programs the Unisoft software will include the user2 field package shape data in the output files it creates.)
USER3=5 indicates that the fifth tab is where user field #3 resides. In this case: SECOND_SOURCE.
Below is an example of a FIXED style BOM importer script.
[BOM] Style=Fixed PartNo=1 PartNoLen=15 RefDes=26 RefDesLen=24 User4=51 User4Len=49 Quantity=17 QuantityLen=4 Filter=23 FilterVal="" FirstLine=21 FirstLineVal="" User1=0 User2=0 User3=0 User1Len=0 User2Len=0 User3Len=0
Style=Fixed means that the fields in the file are in fixed columns (for example from an MRP report output file). The other allowable style is Tabs, which would mean that the fields in the file are separated by tab (0x09) characters.
Partno=1 means that the part number field starts in column 1. PartNoLen=15 means that the part number field is 15 characters long. If Style=Tabs had been specified, then PartNo=1 would have meant that the part number is the first field in the file, and PartNoLen would have been ignored.
RefDes=26 means that the Reference Designator (part name) field starts in column 26. RefDesLen=24 means that the refdes field is 24 characters long. If Style=Tabs had been specified, then perhaps RefDes=2 would have been specified to indicate that the second field on the line is the refdes field.
Similarly, User4 and User4Len are used to specify how the User4 field (component value) is to be imported.
Quantity. Quantity is imported to validate the input line. It is only checked for "all digits".
Other fields that can be imported are User1 through User3.
The Filter and FilterVal items are used only for Style=Fixed files. They specify a rule that can be used to validate lines in the BOM file. If the line contains a string at position Filter equal to the string specified by FilterVal, then the line is processed, otherwise, it is completely ignored.
The FirstLine and FirstLineVal items are used only for Style=Fixed files. Together, they specify a rule that can be used to identify the first or only line in a multi-line entry. If a line contains a string at position FirstLine that is equal to the string specified by FirstLineVal, then the line is processed as the first or only line of a multi-line entry. Otherwise, it is processed as a continuation line, and only the RefDes portion of that line will be used.
Sample BOM:
40020861-000 99 0019 D1-4,D10,D11,D13-16,D18,D19 40020872-000 99 0020 D9,D12,D17 43020273-000 99 0021 FL1-4 48024012-032 99 0023 J10 46002099-000 99 0024 K1-8 43011142-001 99 0025 L1-7 40065014-002 99 0026 LED2,LED4
[BOM] Style=Fixed PartNo=1 PartNoLen=12 RefDes=26 RefDesLen=55 Quantity=0 QuantityLen=0 User1=0 User1Len=0 User2=0 User2Len=0 User3=0 User3Len=0 User4=0 User4Len=0 Filter=0 FilterVal="" FirstLine=0 FirstLineVal=""
In the COLUMN style the fields in the BOM are separated by spaces not tabs.
In the [BOM] above the STYLE=FIXED indicates the format is Column type.
PARTNO=1 in the [BOM] indicates column #1 is the starting column for where a part number may reside in the BOM file. PARTNOLEN=12 indicates column 12 is the range where a part number may reside. Therefore the part number is imported if it is within columns 1 to 12.
REFDES=25 indicates that column 25 is the starting column for where a reference designator may reside. REFDESLEN=60 indicates the range for the reference designator is 60 columns. Therefore the reference designator is imported if it is within column 26 to 80.
(Note: In this sample there are multiple reference designators indicated by dashes (Example: D1-4). The software will automatically break it up into 4 components D1,D2,D3 and D4.)
The other elements in the [BOM] are not used and therefore must be set to 0 or "".
3 PN00100282003C13,C134 C: FX CHCER 82PF 805 5% 100V 4 PN00101210007C193,C195,C198,C200,C202 C: FX CHCER 100PF 402 10% 16V 5 PN00101210007C208,C210,C212,C215,C217 C: FX CHCER 100PF 402 10% 16V 6 PN03112200102C23,C29,C483-498,C501-504 C: FX CHCER1200PF 402 5% 50V 7 PN00102212111C1258-1287,C1336-1359 C: FX CHCER1200PF 402 5% 50V
[BOM] Style=Fixed Quantity=0 QuantityLen=10 PartNo=14 PartNoLen=9 RefDes=23 RefDesLen=28 User1=0 User2=0 User3=0 User4=51 User1Len=0 User2Len=0 User3Len=0 User4Len=30 FirstLine=0 FirstLineVal="" Filter=0 FilterVal=""